
Does ovulation occur during pregnancy and why does this happen? Ovulation in pregnant women - is this possible? There is no ovulation during pregnancy.

Many women know almost nothing about the processes that regularly occur in their reproductive system. The normal monthly menstrual cycle is a complex mechanism consisting of several parts. Their sequential change depends on certain hormones that are released into the woman’s bloodstream. The onset of pregnancy can be the final stage of all these transformations, as it stops the change of phases of the cycle after fertilization.

Ovulation is the phase of the menstrual cycle during which a mature egg is released into the cavity of the fallopian tubes. Along with preparing the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium), this creates conditions for successful fertilization. After this, the egg can attach to the wall and begin to grow. Ovulation and pregnancy, from a physiological point of view, are incompatible concepts - fertilization inhibits the maturation of new cells in the ovaries.

The onset of pregnancy for a woman means the cessation of menstruation. But it happens that after a break in the cycle, discharge suddenly appears. Some diseases can lead to the cessation of menstruation. Therefore, you need to be able to distinguish between conditions that indicate deviations in a girl’s sexual health.

How does ovulation occur?

This process occurs in a woman’s body every month if pregnancy does not occur. Then the mechanism of egg maturation can subside for the entire period of gestation, and also up to an additional six months during breastfeeding. It is ensured by a stable hormonal background at all stages, created by the “pregnancy organs” - the corpus luteum and the placenta. They secrete a special biologically active substance - progesterone, which inhibits the maturation of new eggs.

Ovulation during pregnancy becomes impossible, so as not to waste the resources of the female genital organs - the ovaries. And also the surges in hormones that occur between different phases of the cycle stop – their presence can terminate pregnancy. Ovulation is a complex process that depends on the brain:

  1. In special parts of the brain - the pituitary gland and hypothalamus - active substances are released that have a stimulating effect on ovarian tissue.
  2. Under their influence, several cells begin to mature in them, taking on the shape of a ball. In the inner part, useful substances begin to accumulate, and the outer shell forms two layers.

  3. Gradually, the largest one stands out from several cells - it has accumulated the most useful substances. It is called a dominant follicle - only it can serve as the basis for a future egg. The remaining cells shrink and go into a “sleeping” state.
  4. When this follicle reaches its maximum size, a surge in brain hormones occurs. Its membrane ruptures, releasing the mature egg into the abdominal cavity.
  5. At the ends of the fallopian tubes there are special processes that resemble the tentacles of sea creatures. With their rhythmic movements, the egg is drawn into the lumen of the tube.
  6. After this, she “wait” for the sperm there for about 14 days - in its absence, menstruation begins. The cell is removed from the uterus along with the inner layer, and the mechanism can be repeated again. If fertilization occurs during this period, then it moves into the cavity and becomes attached to the wall.

In the early stages - the first three months - a woman’s body only adapts to bearing an unborn child. Various changes occur in the genital organs that are necessary for the birth of a healthy child.

The connection between ovulation and pregnancy

If, after waiting for the egg in the fallopian tubes, fertilization occurs (meeting with sperm), then the mechanism of inhibition of the next cycle is triggered. While it moves into the uterine cavity, a gland begins to form at the site of its exit from the ovary - the corpus luteum. It is responsible for the preparation of all female organs in the early stages:

  • The corpus luteum secretes progesterone, the main active substance of pregnancy.
  • Under its influence, the last phase of the menstrual cycle begins, which precedes the next menstruation.
  • In the inner lining of the uterus - the endometrium - intensive growth of blood vessels begins, serving as building material for the unborn baby.
  • Intense secretion of mucus by the endometrium begins - this is necessary for the tight attachment of the egg.

The result of the final phase of the cycle should be fertilization, after which intensive growth of the fetal membranes begins. Ovulation during pregnancy in this case becomes useless - progesterone blocks the release of sex hormones by the brain. This mechanism is maintained throughout gestation with the help of the corpus luteum and placenta.

Why is there no ovulation in the early stages?

When the egg meets the sperm, the growth of the corpus luteum begins at the site of the defect in the ovary. In this case, its development is not inhibited, as with the onset of the next menstruation, but only stimulated. The corpus luteum begins to grow rapidly, acquiring a rounded shape and secreting progesterone. When pregnancy occurs, its role is to preserve it - the maturation of the next follicle can lead to miscarriage. This is done in the following ways:

  1. In the brain, the release of active substances that stimulate the maturation of new cells in the ovaries stops.
  2. The inner layer of the uterus begins to transform into the future membranes of the fetus, forming a fetal bladder around it.
  3. The vessels of the uterine wall cease to be sensitive to various irritants. Their narrowing can be disastrous for the child, so they remain wide throughout the entire gestation period.
  4. A new gland is created, which is part of the baby’s membranes - the placenta. It not only provides all the processes of nutrition and respiration, but also secretes many hormone-like substances.

The corpus luteum and placenta intensively secrete hormones of the second half of the menstrual cycle - gestagens. Until the 12th week, conditions are created for the transition from the work of one gland to another. This happens gradually, since a sudden change in activity will be detrimental to the health of the fetus.

They have an inhibitory effect on cell growth factors in the ovaries - stimulants. A kind of blockade occurs - the ovaries go into a “sleeping” mode of operation. Therefore, ovulation does not occur during pregnancy, and the absence of menstruation in combination with a positive test indicates successful fertilization.

Occurrence of ovulation during pregnancy

The process of maturation and release of the egg from the ovaries is completely painless and is not felt by the woman. Since it passes unnoticed, the moment of its occurrence is calculated using the calendar method - by calculating the duration of the cycle. If it lasts 28 days, then the cell will exit exactly in the middle - on the 14th day. For other durations, the determination is made by subtracting two weeks from the onset of menstruation.

Therefore, only menstruation can indicate the onset of pregnancy - this is a regular and quite noticeable mechanism. Their disappearance is characterized either by a natural event - pregnancy, or by a gynecological disease. Ovulation and pregnancy cannot occur simultaneously, as they are mutually exclusive.

Ovarian syndrome

This condition can hardly be called a disease, since no pathological changes occur in the ovaries. The main complaint of women is the feeling of the moment the egg is released - the rupture of the follicle. For some girls, monthly symptoms interfere with their normal life and work. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. A few days before the cell leaves the ovaries, general symptoms occur - weakness, dizziness and headache. Mild nausea and stool disorders in the form of diarrhea are possible.
  2. The moment the follicle ruptures is felt as a sudden pain in the lower abdomen. It has the character of contractions, and gradually subsides over several hours.
  3. After the pain stops, there is a complete disappearance of symptoms, which occurs suddenly.

Doctors associate the occurrence of this condition with the characteristics of the nerve endings on the genitals - the ovaries and other appendages. High sensitivity leads to an excessive reaction of the girl’s nervous system to the normal process of ovulation. Rupture of the follicle membranes is perceived by the brain as a soft tissue injury.

Such girls clearly know when they are ovulating. Therefore, they can claim that there is a growing baby in their womb. After fertilization, these symptoms stop, as gestagens block the formation of new follicles in the ovaries. There is no rupture of the membranes - unpleasant signs cease to appear.

Other gynecological diseases

Some diseases of a woman's genital organs can disrupt the menstrual cycle. A change in hormonal levels occurs, which leads to the disappearance of menstruation for a period of several months. Girls who are sexually active perceive such a phenomenon as pregnancy. Moreover, this condition can be caused by diseases of other organs that are only indirectly related to the ovaries.

  • Ordinary stress and overwork can disrupt the menstrual cycle, stopping menstruation. When normal routine and nutrition are restored, the discharge returns on its own.
  • Any inflammation in the appendages can disrupt hormonal levels, since there is no feedback from the brain.

When the cause of these conditions is eliminated, menstruation resumes, which occurs according to the duration of the cycle before the illness.

Only a doctor can draw the line between normality and pathology - he conducts a comprehensive examination. Its results provide a definitive assessment, allowing you to confirm or exclude a gynecological disease.

Ovulation is the shortest phase of the cycle, it occurs on the 12th–15th day and lasts only 24 to 48 hours - this is exactly how long it takes for the egg to leave the ovary and go down the fallopian tube to the uterus. The likelihood of pregnancy during ovulation is greatest, Therefore, for women who want to get pregnant quickly, it is very important to know the date of ovulation and plan sexual intercourse a few days before or during day X.

Is pregnancy possible after ovulation?

If ovulation has already passed, you will have to wait until the next cycle to successfully conceive. The probability of pregnancy after ovulation is very low, since the egg, without meeting the sperm within 24 hours, is simply destroyed. But if a woman had late ovulation before her period, pregnancy is possible.

The characteristics of the menstrual cycle are individual for each woman. You can calculate the exact date of ovulation using an ovulation pregnancy calculator - there are many similar programs on the Internet. By indicating the duration of your period, you can calculate the probable date of ovulation, but this method is only suitable for women with a stable cycle. Another way to “catch” ovulation, as well as how to distinguish ovulation from pregnancy, is to plot basal temperature.

The onset of pregnancy after ovulation does not always occur, and many women wonder: there is ovulation, but there is no pregnancy - why? There can be many reasons, and it is not always the woman’s fault.

Why does pregnancy not occur during ovulation?

  • There was no ovulation. If a woman calculated ovulation according to the calendar, but did not confirm it with an ultrasound or test, it is possible that ovulation did not occur at the required time. The lack of ovulation could be triggered by hormonal changes, stress, and various inflammatory diseases. Ovulation does not occur immediately after a frozen pregnancy.
  • The egg has not matured. Even a young and healthy woman has a month at least once a year when the egg does not mature. If a woman has recently given birth or is breastfeeding, it will be more difficult for her to become pregnant, even during the period of expected ovulation.
  • Low sperm quality. If pregnancy does not occur after ovulation, the man needs to have a spermogram and check the number of active sperm.
  • Immunological incompatibility. If after ovulation there are no signs of pregnancy, and menstruation comes two weeks later, it means that something is preventing the egg and sperm from meeting, for example, antibodies contained in the cervical mucus that reject the sperm of a given man.
  • Gynecological diseases. The probability of pregnancy on the day of ovulation is very high if the woman is healthy. If she has gynecological diseases (polycystic or inflammation of the ovaries, obstruction of the fallopian tubes), getting pregnant, despite ovulation occurring, will be difficult, and sometimes even impossible, without prior treatment.
  • Psychological reasons or stress. Doctors often diagnose women with false infertility - a condition in which nothing objectively prevents the onset of pregnancy, the woman is healthy, she regularly ovulates, but there is still no pregnancy. The reason for such infertility may be the stress suffered or the woman’s strong fixation on the problem. After all, it is not known for certain how pregnancy occurs after ovulation - this is not only a medical and physiological process, but also a miracle, often without reasonable explanation.

If a married couple wants a child and has sex a few days before and during ovulation, the thought of whether it worked or not this time does not allow them to calmly wait for the next menstruation or its delay. The desire to have children forces you to look for symptoms of pregnancy immediately after ovulation, listen to your feelings and popular advice.

How to determine pregnancy after ovulation?

It is too early to go for an ultrasound or do a pregnancy test after ovulation; it will not show the coveted second line, because the body has not yet begun to produce hCG. The test can be done 7–10 days after ovulation - by this time the egg, if it has been fertilized, will have already attached to the wall of the uterus and hormone production will begin. Before implantation of the egg, all that remains is to monitor the first signs of pregnancy after ovulation - there are many of them, but still they do not guarantee pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy immediately after ovulation

  • Pain or cramping in the lower abdomen. If a woman has ovulated, signs of pregnancy may include pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes localized on the side.
  • Breast changes. Engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands, changes in the color and size of the areolas, breast enlargement are signs of how to recognize pregnancy after ovulation.
  • Bloody issues. If a week has passed since ovulation, signs of pregnancy may include scanty bleeding - the so-called implantation bleeding, which indicates that the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus.
  • Digestive problems. Even before toxicosis appears, a pregnant woman experiences bloating and increased gas production.
  • High basal temperature. If pregnancy has occurred, the elevated basal temperature persists throughout the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

The symptoms of ovulation and pregnancy are similar, so ovulation can sometimes be mistaken for pregnancy. You should not rely too seriously on your feelings and look for what signs of pregnancy appeared in your body after ovulation. It would be more correct to take a pregnancy test on the 10–14th day after ovulation, and if necessary, check the likelihood of pregnancy with an ultrasound.


Ovulation is a process that occurs monthly in the body of every healthy woman. The short period of ovulation prepares the female body for fertilization and pregnancy. Despite the fact that ovulation lasts no more than two days, the likelihood of getting pregnant during this period is highest.

It is believed that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, but this value is average. In fact, the date of ovulation is individual for each woman and depends on the length of the menstrual cycle, health status, use of hormonal contraceptives, and many other factors.

During the first half of the menstrual cycle, a special follicle-stimulating hormone is produced in the female body, under the influence of which it gradually develops in the ovary. The concentration of luteinizing hormone, on which the maturation of the egg depends, gradually increases. In the middle of the cycle, the follicle ruptures and the mature egg is released. This moment is called the ovulatory peak. The egg, ready for fertilization, moves through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes that the egg meets the sperm. If fertilization does not occur, the egg is destroyed and menstruation occurs.

At the moment of union of the male and female reproductive cells, a new cell is formed - a zygote. During the first week, the zygote continues to move through the fallopian tubes. The journey through the tubes should not exceed 6-12 days, as otherwise there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. Normally, the zygote moves towards the uterus and then attaches to the wall of the uterus, penetrating the endometrium. This process is called implantation and may be accompanied by minor bleeding. After some time, a full-fledged embryo is formed in the uterus, which will grow every day and turn into a newborn baby, and nine months later will be born.

Despite the fact that the chances of getting pregnant are highest immediately on the days of ovulation, pregnancy can occur shortly before it. One or two days before ovulation, sexual intercourse can lead to conception, since the sperm will remain viable for some time and wait until the egg has fully matured. After ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced to a minimum. The so-called corpus luteum phase begins, which continues until the onset of menstruation, and the next attempt at fertilization can be made no earlier than the middle of the new menstrual cycle.

Ovulation and pregnancy are physiological processes occurring in the female body. These processes are interconnected, they have a certain sequence: ovulation - pregnancy. There is no ovulation process - pregnancy will not occur.

The process of follicle maturation has a direct connection with the functional ability of the ovaries and the menstrual cycle of the female body.

and this, the mature egg, leaving the ovarian follicle, is sent to the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes. This process causes some minor changes in the woman’s hormonal levels and is accompanied by:
  • aching painful sensations in the ovarian area;
  • clear vaginal discharge, etc.

If fertilization has not occurred, that is, there is no embryo in the body, then the unfertilized egg, along with part of the epithelium covering the inner walls of the uterus, is excreted from the body. This process is called menstruation.

If the egg released from the ovary is fertilized, then entering the uterus through the fallopian tube, it attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the development of the embryo begins; in this case, there is no menstruation.

Shall we ask nature?

With the onset of pregnancy, the female body undergoes serious changes in hormonal levels. By making such changes, the female body takes care of the preservation and development of a healthy baby.

So is ovulation acceptable during pregnancy? The absence of egg maturation during pregnancy is a merit of nature. By nature, the female body is designed this way for one simple reason - the release of an egg after a woman has reached an “interesting” position can cause serious harm to the health of the woman and the embryo.

If we theoretically assume that ovulation occurs during pregnancy, then the released egg would not be able to be fertilized in any case. As you know, nature has designed man in such a way that all processes in the body occur for a reason. Consequently, the process of maturation of the egg, according to the laws of nature, is necessary for subsequent fertilization and development of the fetus. And if fertilization has occurred, why is it necessary to produce new eggs and waste the body’s energy resources on this process, if all efforts can be directed to the development of a full-fledged and healthy child.

Along with changes in hormonal levels, the female body undergoes changes in the reproductive system. The ovaries stop releasing eggs for fertilization, and the cervix is ​​blocked by the mucous membrane, so there is no longer a path for sperm.

Let's try to assume that if there is an embryo in the body, the process of maturation and release of the egg is possible, and its fertilization is also possible. In this case, the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus, because the embryo is already there and is actively developing.

Are there exceptions to the rules?

Is it possible for pregnant women to experience egg release?

All rules have exceptions, so some women actually experience ovulation during pregnancy. But this can only happen in the first month of pregnancy, or rather even at its earliest stage. It is at the early stage of pregnancy that there is a real chance of fertilization of the second egg released from the ovary.

Once the cervix is ​​blocked by the mucous membrane, there is simply no possibility of fertilizing a second egg. There are only a few known cases of repeated fertilization in the world. Consequently, a pregnant woman has virtually no chance that the second egg will be fertilized.

A few words about ovulation tests

It is known that in addition to pregnancy tests, there are ovulation tests, the main task of which is to determine whether the maturation of the egg occurs in the female body or not. The use of these tests helps a couple planning a pregnancy determine the best moment to fertilize an egg and conceive a baby.

The principle of operation of the ovulation test is to change the color of the indicator strip due to the contact of luteinizing hormone. When fertilization and pregnancy occur, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin begins to increase.

The level of luteinizing hormone in the female body is directly dependent on the stage of the menstrual cycle. As the follicle matures, the blood becomes saturated with estrogens (female hormones produced by the follicle). When the moment of saturation of the blood with estrogen comes, that is, their amount in the blood is sufficient for the onset of ovulation, the body releases luteinizing hormone. It is the released hormone that reacts with the test strip, changing its color.

Positive ovulation test result

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to test positive for ovulation?

The presence of a positive ovulation test result in a pregnant woman is completely excluded. But practice shows the opposite: some ladies, due to their carelessness, use a pregnancy test instead of an ovulation test, and, naturally, get a positive result. But there are also cases when a woman, being pregnant and knowing about it, out of curiosity, conducts an ovulation test, and the test shows two stripes. The question arises: why?

The ovulation test responds to an increase in luteinizing hormone levels and shows a positive result. But an increase in the level of LH in the blood is possible not only before ovulation, it is also possible due to reasons such as:

  • hormonal dysfunction of the body;
  • postmenopause;
  • renal failure and others.

During pregnancy, the placenta secretes human chorionic gonadotropin, which is similar in structure to luteinizing hormone. Therefore, when performing an ovulation test with an indicator strip, there is no interaction of luteinizing hormone, but human chorionic gonadotropin interacts, giving a false positive result.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

Can ovulation occur during pregnancy? These two concepts are interrelated, because without one physiological process you should not wait for the other.

Physiological aspect

The formation of the follicle is associated with the main activity of the ovaries and menstruation. The egg that has successfully matured goes inside the uterus. This process is necessarily accompanied by massive changes in hormonal levels. A woman may complain of thick and discomfort in the ovary area.

If the baby is not conceived, the egg must leave the body through the next menstruation. When a woman becomes pregnant, it attaches to one of the walls of the uterus, where the active development of the embryo begins. In this case, the planned periods do not occur.

From this moment on, the main role is given to the child. The body of the expectant mother devotes all its energy to the development of the fetus. At the initial stage of pregnancy, profuse red discharge and pain in the lower abdomen are often noted. According to doctors, in this case there is no need to be nervous and worry once again. This situation may be a manifestation of the body's reaction. As a rule, the discharge should disappear at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy.

In case of successful conception, it is completely covered by the newly formed mucous membrane. The ovaries, in turn, stop producing the cells necessary for reproduction. Spermatozoa cease to be active.

Nature laws

In case of successful conception, the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes. Mostly ovulation during pregnancy is not acceptable. Nature initially took care that the egg is not able to mature when a woman is carrying a child under her heart, because its “exit” can harm the health of the future mother and the fetus.

From a theoretical point of view, during pregnancy, the released egg would still not be fertilized. Every function is carried out for a purpose. Therefore, ovulation is necessary for conception. Since it has already happened before, there is no need for this.

Along with hormonal levels, reproductive functions also actively change. If we assume that after conception the release of an egg is possible, then fertilization is not excluded. However, sperm will not attach to the cervix, since the embryo is already actively developing there.

Possible exceptions

There are some exceptions to any rule, so for a number of women who are expecting a child, ovulation actually happens. This can happen at the beginning of the 9 month period. Then there is a chance of fertilization of the second egg.
Medical practice knows only a few cases of second conception.

Ovulation tests

The purpose of ovulation tests is to determine the exact period of egg formation. Their use helps when planning pregnancy to determine the most suitable moment for successful fertilization. If the color of the strip changes on the test, then ovulation has occurred. According to doctors, when it occurs, the level of hCG increases sharply.

The latter is closely related to the stage of the menstrual cycle. When the main follicle matures, there is a noticeable increase in estrogen hormones in the blood. That is, their number is sufficient for the next ovulation to occur.

Positive ovulation test

A pregnant woman cannot test positive for ovulation, but there are some exceptions. Sometimes girls, being inattentive, take a pregnancy test, so they see two stripes.

There are women who, knowing about successful conception, still conduct an ovulation test out of curiosity. Then two stripes may also appear. It turns out that the ovulation test reacts to increased levels of the LH hormone, and therefore shows a positive result. The latter increases in the following situations:

  • postmenopause;
  • the presence of hormonal dysfunction;
  • presence of kidney problems.

When a woman is pregnant, abundant release of human chorionic gonadotropin is recorded. In its structure it resembles the LH hormone. Consequently, the ovulation test reacts to it, showing a change in the indicator strip.

If a woman is already pregnant, then it would not be superfluous for her to use it, with the help of which she can calculate her term.


To the question of whether ovulation occurs during pregnancy, one can safely give a negative answer, since successful conception of a baby blocks the release of the egg, which usually manifests itself in the form of menstruation. If there is bleeding after the expectant mother finds out about the replenishment, it is better to consult a doctor. However, during the first trimester this phenomenon occurs.