
Kolovrat raven amulet meaning. Kolovrat clockwise or counterclockwise

Which in an instant were called "unsuitable", forced ordinary people to worship them secretly or accept a new faith. Therefore, it turned out to be a special religion, in which the traditions of Christianity, often reinterpreted by simple-minded villagers, and ancient pagan beliefs in symbols and images were intertwined in a unique ensemble. The bracelet has survived to this day - a Slavic symbol of the sun, the magic of which is still believed.

What is Kolovrat

Kolovrat is often called the solstice. This symbol represents the endless movement of life, where one phenomenon gives way to another. Interestingly, somewhat to the left of the constellation Ursa Major in the starry sky you can see the Swastika, a bright constellation of 11 stars, which is not on modern maps. And the Kolovrat is similar in shape to the arrangement of stars in this constellation. Therefore, we can say that the Slavs transferred their knowledge about the starry sky into the symbol. The meaning of the wheel differs in depth:

  • Kolovorot is a sign of the movement of the main luminary across the vault of heaven, associated with the gods Svarog (which is why you can sometimes find the name “Svarga”), Dazhdbog and Khors.
  • The word itself comes from “kolo” - circle, sun and “gate” - rotate, rotation.
  • It is a symbol of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun, the natural change of seasons, endless movement, and the infinity of space.
  • It combines 4 seasons and 4 elements, so there are eight rays in its structure.

As we see, this ancient symbol has nothing in common with the ideology of the Nazis and the swastika. Kolovorot is a Slavic symbol of turnover from bad to good, from illness to healing, from poverty to prosperity. Also, this ancient sign is the personification of the Slavic sun gods.

What does a real Slavic bracelet look like?

This ancient symbol is a simplified image of the sun - a circle of regular shape, from the center of which a ray extends to the sides. There are eight of them. Each beam ends with a salting or counter-salting tilt - to the right or to the left.


Kolovrat, the symbol of the sun, has a long and interesting history. The Slavs, whose lives, events and holidays directly depended on the movement of the planet around the sun, used this image as a symbol of the eternal luminary. In their understanding, it was the celestial fireball that represented the focus of life, fertility and energy. Therefore, the symbol of the sun - a circle with rays extending from it - found wide popularity in Slavic mythology and was revered as a male sign of strength and courage, energy and victories. It was often used in Vedic rituals.

Most often among the Slavic peoples, the Kolovrat (a symbol of the world cycle) was used by the Krivichi of Smolensk land and the Vyatichi, but this amulet can be found in the north-west and north-east of Rus'. The period of appearance is considered to be the period of the 11th-13th centuries. The first silver lunars found date back to the 10th-11th centuries. By the 13th century, amulets with a cross appeared.

Kolovart and astrology

Scientists believe that the symbol was originally used for orientation in the starry sky and helped determine one’s own position:

  • By drawing an imaginary line from the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor on December 22, June 22 (winter and summer solstice, respectively), March 21 or September 23 (spring and autumn equinox) at exactly midnight, you can see the elements of the symbol.
  • And if you combine the location of the stars on these days in one photograph, you will get a complete rotation.

This fact is striking, given that the ancient Slavs did not possess any precise astrological instruments.

A sun sign similar to Kolovrat is found among many peoples of antiquity, but it is more common among the Slavs. The Kolovorot is a Slavic symbol, the description of which was given above - this is one of the most powerful solar signs. Let's get to know them better. First of all, solar signs are amulets that protect their owner. Solar symbols were used by the inhabitants of Ancient Rus' to protect their homes from negative energy and evil spells. At the same time, the sun had several forms of image at once - morning, noon, evening, and together they made up the triune sun. There were the following solar signs:

  • A simple solar symbol is an ordinary circle.
  • On all four sides there is a circle with four rays inside.
  • Six spokes - Thunder wheel.
  • Eight spokes.
  • The abundance of spokes is a multi-beam solar symbol. The knitting needles could be either straight or curved.
  • The artistic symbol is a circle with various decorations.

The sun was perceived by the ancient Slavs as the personification of the victory of good over evil, therefore its symbols were used as protective talismans. And the Slavic sun god enjoyed special love and respect.

Our distant ancestors began to wear the Kolovrat amulet from early childhood, so the solar symbol was often carved on a cradle or cradle. This protected the baby from evil spells and the evil eye. Later, the grown-up boy began to wear the amulet around his neck or on his clothes in the form of embroidery. Often such a talisman had magical effects and was used in sacrifices and other secret rituals.

The meaning of the amulet for a person

Kolovrat is one of the most powerful magical talismans of the pagan Slavs. Ancient people endowed him with such magical powers:

  • As a symbol of the sun, it did not allow dark forces into the life of the person who wears it, and protected both body and soul.
  • Filled the life of its bearer with light and warmth.

What does the rotation mean? Depending on its appearance, the ancient symbol has different meanings, the main variations of which are presented in the table.

Sign variations and their meanings

Symbol variant

Its inherent meaning

Four beams

Symbol of fire, amulet on all four sides

Six rays

Symbol of the god Perun, Perun's wheel

Eight rays

The personification of the power of all ancient solar deities

Ladinets, lunnitsa - the reverse side of the Kolovrat

Female symbol

Rays directed clockwise

Amulet for a man

Rays counterclockwise

Amulet for women

Often such amulets were worn several at a time in a necklace.

Male and female mascots

Moonlights were worn by representatives of the fairer sex, and in the times of Ancient Rus', almost every woman had such a talisman. As a rule, men's talismans were made of gold, bronze, brass (symbol of the sun), and women's ones were made of silver, the metal of the moon.

Kolovrat for men has a whole range of magical effects:

  • helps create a barrier to the negative effects of evil spells;
  • provides protection from higher powers;
  • gives wisdom to solve complex life problems;
  • in ancient times it protected on the battlefield.

Ladinets or Lunnitsa, the female version of the Kolovrat symbol, has its own effect:

  • protects from the evil eye and damage;
  • helps to find harmony in family life and marital happiness;
  • It is especially effective in protecting a pregnant woman and her baby from evil forces.

If Ladinets is included in the Great Circle, his strength will double.

Material for the amulet

It is interesting that what the amulet is made of largely determines its magical power. In the table we present the relationship between the material and the power of the talisman.

The relationship between the material and the magical properties of the talisman


Magic power

It helps to restore vitality and energy to a person, making him more purposeful and decisive. Stabilizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

An amulet made of this noble metal is universal and protects any wearer from evil spells. Able to resist negative energy and develop the power of premonition.

Used for women's amulets, it helps a woman become a good housewife, a wonderful wife and mother, and protects against diseases.

An excellent amulet for men, it helps protect its owner from dark forces of even the highest power.

Bull bones

Nourishes a person with positive energy and protects against negativity. If you wear a bone amulet, you will notice that over time its white surface will turn yellow and then become transparent. However, the energy potential of the amulet does not decrease.

Linen thread or leather cord

Used to make a lace on which the Kolovrat will be worn.

The bracelet is a Slavic symbol of the pagan era, so it will not be combined with Christian paraphernalia, such as a pectoral cross or icons.

How to wear a talisman

Kolovrat, a symbol of the sun, can be worn in several ways:

  • Like embroidery on clothes (on the chest or shoulders). Usually this embroidery was done with linen threads, without knots on the reverse side.
  • In the form of jewelry: pendant, pendant, ring. Natural metals, gold or silver were used for their manufacture.
  • The symbol was embroidered on banners and flags, causing real panic in the enemy camp.
  • Placed on window shutters and trim.
  • Applied to pottery products.

In the last two cases, the amulet protected not only the person, but also his family and home.

Losing the amulet

Since this symbol of the sun in Rus' absorbs negative energy, its loss can only mean one thing - the talisman has fulfilled its task, protected its owner, having absorbed the evil spell directed at the owner. And he left so that the evil energy would not harm the wearer. You should mentally thank the amulet and not look for it.

A broken amulet has a similar meaning. Therefore, you should burn the wooden amulet, and bury the bone amulet in a secluded place. This will help destroy the evil spell that the solstice has absorbed.

Modern use of the symbol

Modern people believe in the magical power of the spinning amulet, endowing it with the following properties:

  • protection from the evil eye and damage;
  • getting rid of curses and the effects of negative energy from enemies and envious people;
  • maintaining health;
  • assistance in understanding science and gaining wisdom.

In addition, the bracelet provides protection and harmony in the family, helps to find a way out of a difficult life situation, and strengthens the body and spirit.

Such a wide list of magical properties has determined the popularity of the ancient Slavic symbol in our days. Now many people prefer not to buy a finished product, but to make it themselves from wood, metal or leather. Summer is the best time to make a talisman. It is better to work during the day when the sun is shining in the sky, it will help charge the talisman with the necessary energy.

Kolovorot is a Slavic symbol of the sun, which since ancient times was endowed with magical properties and was used to protect against evil spells and black magic. Our contemporaries retained faith in the mystical power of the talisman and often use it as a talisman.

The Slavic amulet Kolovrat is becoming increasingly popular these days. This is no wonder: after all, it combines the wisdom of the ancestors, the power of nature and real divine support. This Slavic amulet was found among the Slavs in elements of clothing and jewelry and was a faithful support for the ancient tribes. How it works today, how it helps modern man and what the mysterious meaning of this amulet is - we will find out further.

Slavic amulets that have come into fashion make few people think about their origins: the origin of the symbol and its meaning in human life. But without obtaining such knowledge, it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect from the amulet. Let's delve into history and find out what roots this Slavic patron has and what are its characteristics.

Secrets of semantics

The name itself comes from the ancient word “kolo” - that is, circle. Thus, the name “bracelet” completely repeats the appearance of the amulet, which is a circle whose rays look to the right or left. This amulet is called solar or solar: if you look at it carefully, you will notice that the basis of the image is the sun. For the ancient Slavs, the sun symbolized light, happiness, continuation of life and prosperity - and this is not the whole list of what the wheel means.

Also, the Slavic Kolovrat carries the powers of 4 natural elements and elements, including:

  • Winter and earth.
  • Summer and air.
  • Autumn and water.

These 8 elements are embodied in the eight rays of the Kolovrat. The last meaning that the solar amulet bears is Svarog or the god of the sky. Among the ancient Slavs, he was considered the most important god and was directly connected with the sun.

Is the number of rays important?

The Kolovrat amulet can have 4, 6 or 8 rays. Its impact on humans and the main effect depended on this.

Studying the history of ancient Rus' usually begins with the calling of the Varangians to the principality. A few words in textbooks are said about the founding of Kyiv by the legendary Prince Kiy, his brothers and sister, about the death of Oleg’s campaigns against Byzantium, Svyatoslav against the Khazars, about civil strife for the throne. Attention is paid only to the period from the baptism of the ancient Russian state, emphasizing it as the beginning of the heyday of the region. But, as recent research confirms, before the arrival of the Scandinavians and enlighteners from Greece, the Slavs were a highly developed people. Not just idolaters who did not know how to read and write, but a community with a unique way of life, established traditions, its own runic writings and a special religion based on the worship of the forces of nature.

Signs from the past

In everyday life, the Slavs used various signs and symbols, with the help of which they protected themselves from evil spirits, natural elements, renewed energy, nourished the mind and connected with the Family - not just a deity, but with all the generations that existed before them and will exist after. The ancestors of Ukrainians, Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Bulgarians and other fraternal peoples had a lot of symbols. They can be divided into several groups:

  • Solar signs (solar) - thunder sign, triskel, cross, koloryzh. Kolovorot is a Slavic symbol, the most famous of this group.
  • Signs of earth, nature, fertility - the sign of a sown and unsown field, a world tree, a forest.
  • Symbols of life-giving water (heavenly, rain) and sacred underground (river, spring).
  • Symbols of heavenly and earthly fire.
  • Signs of air and space.
  • Symbols of the union of two principles.
  • Signs of perfection, ideal - the golden mean, the egg.

The most famous symbol

When they talk about the sacred signs of the ancient Slavs, who did not know what Christianity was, the first thing that comes to mind is the Kolovrat sign, or bracelet, a Slavic symbol that looks like a cross with curved ends. It was much later that they began to associate it with fascism, because the swastika became their main emblem. But maybe that’s why the German army was so strong, because the sign of the sun is the strongest amulet. And the first discoveries of this image were made forty thousand years ago. And then people believed that Kolovrat was a positive sign. But after the victory over Hitler, the whole world began to fight against what reminded him of him. And now they are trying to erase the symbol of the bracelet from the people’s memory. What is it - good or evil? Let's figure it out.


The oldest symbol represents the sun - the most important celestial body, the source of heat and light, as well as its path across the sky. Two more gods walked along the same road, who occupied important places in the pantheon: Svarog and Khors. The Slavic Kolovrat looks like this: eight rays are placed in a circle (“kolo”), which converge at one point (center). The ends of the rays are bent exclusively in one direction, which indicates the continuous rotation of the celestial wheel, its movement. Some researchers see the Kolovrat as a system of the universe, because everything in the Universe moves in a circular orbit: both planets and atoms. And although science believes that the Slavs could not have known about this in those days, their knowledge was still very extensive.

Visible symbolism of the bracelet

Our ancestors carefully observed the movement of the trajectory of the Moon, stars and, of course, the Sun, they studied it thoroughly. They saw that if we conditionally connect the Polar Star, the places of the summer and winter solstices, the Big and Small Dippers (the constellations Ursa Major and Minor), then the Kolovrat can be clearly seen. That is why the sacred sign played such a significant role in the life of the Slavs, like the sun itself.

The solar, that is, solar, symbol, which is the swastika, was often depicted on weapons, dishes, clothing, and even on temples where idols stood. People endowed it with the strongest protective effect; they believed that it drove away dark forces, as if it burned away spiritual and physical illnesses with divine fire. The golden bracelet (Slavic symbol) was depicted on the scarlet banner of the prince, who became famous for his fearlessness and numerous military victories. And even after the baptism of Rus', the sign did not disappear, but decorated embroidered towels and shirts, temple walls, and pottery.

Hidden symbolism

It is worth noting that Kolovrat can be different. According to one of its meanings, the sign protected the world of the living (Rule) from everything bad, and reminded of the eternal. On the other hand, he helped to communicate with the secret other world hidden from human eyes. Everything depended on which direction the rays rotated. According to the same principle, the amulet was divided into female and male. If the rays of the swastika followed the course of the sun (salting), then it was worn by representatives of the stronger sex; the counter-salting adorned women.

Undeservedly forgotten

Vedic literature is still little studied today, but it is of interest not only to researchers and scientists. More and more people are trying to eliminate the unfair treatment of the swastika. After all, it was not she who brought so much trouble to our planet, but the people who used her. In the same way, the Soviet government committed many crimes under the sign of the red star, and it still adorns the uniform of the Russian army. And the main Christian sign on the banners of the crusading knights brought unrest, rivers of blood and devastation to the eastern lands. But no one even thinks of banning them, like the bracelet - the Slavic symbol of the sun.

The modern generation is keenly interested in the cultural heritage of their ancestors. After all, the time has come to abandon someone else’s, forcibly imposed, and return to the origins, to find your true “I”.

The wolf on Kolovrat meant strength and determination


Since ancient times, this bird has evoked ambiguous associations and has been endowed with various abilities. Such an image may indicate wandering and loneliness, loss of something and anxiety.

Positive meanings of raven on Kolovrat:

  • hope for change for the better;
  • wisdom and insight;
  • longevity.


Runes are popular mystical symbols of the Slavs. They have the most powerful energy. But in order to supplement the amulet with them, you need to study their meaning well.

The ax is a frightening and dangerous symbol. This sign was considered truly masculine, and was often used by warriors.

Weapon amulet was often used by warriors

Slavic sign in the sun

Kolovrat, surrounded by the sun, means the eternal movement of the luminary across the sky and the unceasing life cycle.

Who needs a talisman

The luminary was the patron of the family and the protection of orphans. People decorated the walls of their houses with Kolovrat, painted the image on dishes and other household items, and embroidered it on clothes. It was believed that this symbol has a double effect: it attracts happiness and good luck, protecting the owner from everything bad.

Ancient people lived according to the laws of nature - all the main holidays and events were directly related to the sun. When to start arable work, what the harvest would be like - the Slavs solved these and other everyday problems by watching the sun.

Warriors depicted him on their shields, weapons and banners. In this way they erected a magical shield around themselves. People believed that the owner of such a talisman was under the protection of the gods.

Meaning for men and women

The male Kolovrat was predominantly made of metal. Its main difference - sharp edges of the rays.

Action of the symbol for men:

  • patronage of higher light forces;
  • protection on the battlefield;
  • help in difficult life situations.

Male Kolovrat was mainly made of metal

A tree was ideal for a female Kolovrat. The amulet belonging to a woman is more rounded, its edges seem to be smoothed out.

The amulet helped women in family life, giving love and family happiness.

Birch was ideal for female Kolovrat

Material for the amulet

Initially, the amulet was made from different types of wood, bone and embroidered on clothes. Then they began to use metal.

Now many people prefer a talisman made of valuable metals. It looks much more solid than wood, for example. In addition, the material from which the amulet is made carries a certain energy potential:

  1. Gold is preferable for shy and indecisive people; it will give a person strength to achieve his cherished goal. Gold has a positive effect on health - it normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. More suitable for adults.
  2. Silver is considered a universal material. Kolovrat made from it has the ability to absorb the effects of negative forces and protect the wearer from evil. Silver has the ability to enhance intuition. This amulet is best suited for young people.
  3. Wood of various types of wood. Oak is more suitable for a man's amulet, since the mighty tree is considered the king of the forest and the tree of the god Perun himself. Since ancient times, birch has been used to make magical objects. The amulet made from it is more suitable for women. The energy of birch helps a girl to be a faithful wife, a caring mother and an ideal housewife.
  4. Animal bones were also a popular material for making amulet. The energy of a bone amulet can become similar to the energy of the wearer, doubling it. Over time, the color and structure of the bone change, but this does not affect the protective properties. To make the amulet, only the bones of noble animals, for example, bull, were used.

Kolovrat was made only from the bones of noble animals

How to wear Kolovrat correctly

It is preferable to wear a Kolovrat made of gold or silver on a chain of the same metal. A good pair for bone or wooden amulets would be a cotton or linen cord.

But a leather cord will not work. The ancients believed that the animal must be killed in a certain way, otherwise the energy of death will harm the owner of the amulet.

Execution technique

The image can simply be drawn, but the most powerful amulets are those carved from wood, made from metal, or embroidered on any surface.


Tattoos are usually done in one color, but there may be variations. Before acquiring such a talisman, discuss all the details of the sketch with the master.

Men traditionally tattooed the symbol on the following areas of the body:

  • breast;
  • forearm;
  • between the shoulder blades.

However, women often prefer such tattoos.

Kolovrat was applied to the body not only in ancient times

Mostly girls were engaged in embroidering amulet. In order for the amulet to have the greatest power, it was made only for blood relatives, closest friends or brothers-in-arms.

Kolovrat’s clothes were embroidered where the most vulnerable parts of the body are:

  • collar;
  • breast;
  • lower parts of sleeves;
  • belt.

The symbol was embroidered on tablecloths and towels. Children's clothing was necessarily decorated with this sign. To work, it was necessary to stock up on new natural threads (cotton, linen or wool) and fabric.

Kolovrat was often embroidered on clothes

Drawn symbol

The image of Kolovrat was applied to household items. The amulet was often painted on children's cradles and decorated with it on the walls of homes.

This ray symbol can be drawn on a piece of paper and kept with you or in a special box.


As an individual amulet, Kolovrat was made of wood, bone, and metal.

An individual amulet was made from various materials

How to make a talisman yourself?

The Kolovrat amulet, made by yourself, carries more positive energy and will last longer.

Step by step instructions

To make an amulet from solid material you will need:

  • tool - cutter;
  • material: wood, bone;
  • positive attitude.

A wooden or bone blank must be prepared in advance. Usually it is made round and flat. The width of the workpiece must be sufficient to cut out the symbol.

Further actions:

  1. Apply the image of the amulet to the blank. It is better to use a thin simple pencil for this. All lines must be drawn straight.
  2. Using a new cutter, in the light of the sun, cut out a sign on the amulet.

Making Kolovrat from wood: video

How to clean and charge

A purchased or self-made amulet will be useful only after the ritual of cleansing from extraneous energy and charging.

Our ancestors cleaned the amulet first with water - in a river or stream. After this, purification took place over the flame of a fire. It was made from branches of a tree that was struck by lightning.

In modern conditions, the amulet can be left under running water for several hours (a wooden one can simply be wetted). After which you need to hold it for several minutes over a thick wax candle, but not a church candle.

After this procedure, Kolovrat should be charged by transferring his own energy:

  • squeeze the amulet tightly in your palms;
  • ask the deity that your symbol represents for protection, health and good luck;
  • After this, constantly carry the amulet with you for 3 days so that it is saturated with your energy.

How powerful and effective your amulet will be depends only on your thoughts invested in it.

Rules for wearing and storing Kolovrat

Kolovrat cannot be combined with Christian symbolism due to the opposite beliefs. This amulet can be worn with other Slavic symbols. It is believed that they will complement each other well.

In order for a strong energetic connection to be established between you and the amulet, you need to wear it as often as possible. Only in this case will the talisman play the role of a protector.

The amulet must be stored in a specially prepared box. You should not keep Kolovrat together with other jewelry.

To store Kolovrat you need to allocate a special box

Loss of protective functions

Sometimes it happens that a wooden or bone amulet becomes cracked or breaks in half. In this case, it is generally accepted that a strong mental attack was made on you, someone was trying to send damage. But the amulet protected you, taking all the power of the negative upon itself. If this happens, then you should thank the amulet. Then burn it if the talisman is wooden. Bone - bury in the ground.

No matter how strong Kolovrat is, he will not be able to protect the wearer forever.

If your amulet is lost, this is a sign that the amulet has played its protective role and has left to take all the negativity with it. In this case, it is advised to quietly call your amulet. If he has cleared himself, he will definitely be found after some time. If there is a lot of negativity, it is better not to disturb it, but to mentally thank it.

Nowadays, protective symbols are very popular. Kolovrat is no exception. This sign is not only worn in the form of amulets, but also applied to the body in the form of tattoos. Before acquiring such a powerful amulet, you need to think carefully about why you need it. After all, certain symbolism can sometimes change not only one’s worldview, but also one’s fate.

Folk symbols of a protective nature were created over the lives of many generations of Slavs and have reached our time; they have not been supplanted by the symbols of Christianity and modernity. Their preservation was facilitated by their frequent use in folk art, in embroidery, in ceramic painting, and in some cases, in decorative elements decorating wooden and stone buildings, even temples.

Kolovrat belongs to the group of solar signs, looks like a stylized sun, the eight rays of which can be inclined at the end of salting or anti-salting. Sometimes the rays are enclosed in a circle; it is in this form that it can be found even in paintings on the walls of Neolithic caves throughout Europe. The symbol depicts the movement of the sun across the sky.

Therefore, the second name of the symbol became Solstice. When depicting it, sunny yellow and fiery red colors are usually used. Such colors, together with a symbol, can awaken the memory of the family, as the authors of many modern amulets believe.

Symbol meaning

The solar meaning of the sign is varied. It can carry qualities traditionally associated with the Sun - protection, light, warmth, fertility, successful work, common sense and practical acumen, or it can also attract additional meanings associated with ancient Slavic deities.

Kolovrat is associated with several solar deities, most often associated with the symbolism of Rod, Khors or Svarog, but probably has an older, common Indo-European origin. This sign is characteristic of many peoples of proto-Aryan origin; it can be found in India and throughout Europe. But the Kolovrat in a circle is still more characteristic of the Slavs, and many modifications of rays with branches and ridges are characteristic of Ukrainian, Serbian, and South Russian embroidery.

The image of the symbol largely coincides with the location in the starry sky of the constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major on the days of the Wheel of the Year (winter and summer solstices, spring and autumn equinoxes). This suggests that the symbol could also serve as an assistant for orientation on the road by the stars. Interestingly, the four-rayed Kolovrat resembles an image of the Milky Way galaxy.

Solar symbolism, according to popular belief, is more suitable for men, so Kolovrat were embroidered on belts, on the frills of men's clothing, and embossed on shoes, sheaths, and horse harnesses.

Solar symbolism is reinforced by the very name of the amulet. The etymology of the word comes from the Slavic “kolo” - the Sun. Moreover, “kolo” has ancient Iranian roots; it comes from the name of Khorsa, one of the gods of the pantheon of Prince Vladimir, who was of Iranian origin. Khors is a solar god who embodied the furious power of the solar disk. One of the ancient Russian princes “crossed the path of the great Khorsa with a wolf,” which meant that he went out on a campaign before sunrise.

The second root of the word is identical to the word “turn”. It is interesting that when used in surnames, for example, in the family name of the Kolovratovs, the word takes on a meaning associated with a watchman, with a security guard, with someone who walks around the yard from sunset to sunrise.

When used and worn, the symbol has many meanings, from a sign of belonging to an ancient Slavic family to transferring oneself under the protection of the Sun. In each case, you need to study the symbol itself, its image, its location - on weapons, dishes, textiles - in order to accurately determine what the Kolovrat is used to protect against or to call for help from what forces. Thus, the image of various forms of Kolovrat on dishes and weapons, passed down in the family from generation to generation, could be one of the forms of the family coat of arms.

Sometimes in the form of Kolovrat the fern flower known from Russian legends was depicted, which opened all treasures, or Odolen-Grass, which opened all locks.

Most often, the direction of rotation of the rays does not change the symbolism of the amulet; on window frames in Russian villages it was depicted turned in both directions, calling on the Sun to increase fertility.

Thus, the main meanings of the symbol are:

  • Victory of light over darkness;
  • Victory of life over death;
  • Strength, masculine strength, strength in battle;
  • Fertility;
  • Protection of a person, home, family;
  • Clan, family sign, coat of arms;
  • All-conquering mind.

Types of Kolovrat

The symbol has several varieties. Most often they differ in the rotation of the rays and their number. The four, six and eight-pointed Kolovrat also have different meanings. It is believed that the more rays a talisman has, the brighter and stronger the Sun it means, the more solar energy it attracts to its wearer.

The ends of the eight-pointed Kolovrat, bent to the right, are sometimes interpreted not as a solar symbol, but as a sign of living fire. In this meaning, he is especially loved by those who are close to the cult of the blacksmith god Svarog. In this meaning, it will bear the name Svarga and will be used in matters related to fire.

The ends turned to the left, salted, created the Ladinets sign, more feminine, calling upon its bearer the blessing of the goddess Lada. In this case, he will help in family life, protect against damage, if a woman is carrying a child, he will attract good forces to his aid.

At the same time, some researchers believe that the amulet turned to the left calls on the forces of Navi or the underworld, and when turned to the right - Rule or the heavenly. Each of these interpretations has its own supporters, but most authors agree that the direction of the rays does not play a special role; the Sun, in principle, cannot be associated with Navu and the forces of darkness.

Kolovrat in folk art

As a symbol used only in the manufacture of amulets worn around the neck, or sometimes tattooed directly on the body, the Kolovrat is of not very ancient origin; it should be sought in the 20s of the twentieth century, when it began to be used in Polish and Belarusian tombstones, sketched by a Polish artist. From there, already in the 90s, it was taken by Russian researchers of Slavic culture and brought into widespread use among Rodnovers and other admirers of Russian traditions.

Regardless of the meaning given to it in our time, the symbol can be found not only in traditional Russian embroidery, carved frames, and other works of folk art, but also in architecture. The very recognizable Kolovrat is depicted as a sacred symbol on the wall of one of the basilicas in Serbia, where it is laid out with mosaics in the traditional ancient Roman style. It is found on ceramics in ancient settlements of the Southern Urals.

In the old Russian city of Kolomna, the Kolovrat sign adorns the dome of the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist, where it signifies the infinity of the Universe. The Church of Hagia Sophia in Kyiv has numerous images of this sign in the decoration of the portico through which visitors enter the temple, as well as on the naves of the cathedral. Its presence at the entrance suggests that the symbol had the meaning not only of protection, but also of purification, and was some analogue of passing through a cleansing fire.

Unfortunately, many folk items from the entire second millennium were lost, so it is only possible to partially restore the frequency of use of the symbol.

Thus, serious magical significance was attached to the Kolovrat in protective embroidery. Doukhobor (kolovrat with a complex division of rays) was embroidered on bedspreads that were used to cover the sick in the southwestern provinces of Russia, in this case it served as protection against illness.

The more traditional eight-pointed Kolovrat can be seen on leather sheaths and on cases for carrying axes suspended from the belt, found at excavations in Veliky Novgorod, where he invoked the power of the Sun on weapons. Among the archaeological finds in this northern city you can find shoes decorated with this symbol, in this case it was probably about preventing your legs from getting tired when walking from dawn to dusk. The folk doll Day-Night, which protects the house, was also marked with this sign, folding its skirt in the form of a Kolovrat.

Unmarried girls most often worked on embroidery with amulets, and since this work was of a magical nature, it was done so that no one would see the needlewoman. During her girlhood, she could embroider up to 50 things bearing a solar amulet, and they were further passed down in her family, from husband to son, from son to grandson and beyond.

In the 19th-20th centuries, many items of clothing, towels, and other embroidered items were decorated with Kolovrat, but the fight against everything that could resemble another solar symbol, the swastika, led either to their destruction or to their placement in museum storerooms.

There was practically no serious study of the symbolism of Kolovrat in folk art; this was due both to the fact that it was considered a legacy of paganism and to the general attitude towards solar symbols. Therefore, it is necessary to restore its meaning bit by bit and then use the amulet for the benefit of the family and home. Now you can purchase a ready-made amulet and find embroidery patterns that will make it possible to transfer the symbol of ancient magic into modern life.

Since ancient times, the Slavs had their own faith, revered nature and the Gods. They had their own celebrations, rituals and ceremonies, at which the Slavs paid tribute to higher powers. They could not do without amulets, talismans and amulets, which were considered the best protection against dark forces. More than anything else, people at that time revered the sun and worshiped it. Therefore, the most common symbol was the Kolovrat, or solstice, which is an image of the sun with curved rays coming out of it.

History of the origin of the sign

Signs symbolizing the sun could be found in almost any ancient culture. And yet the most common symbolism of the sun was among the ancient Slavs. Their life was literally imbued with the significance of the sun and its cycle. All holidays and important dates were tied specifically to the luminary. The sun for the Slavs is strength, energy, fertility and life. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that it was his symbol, the Kolovrat, that was so widespread in the everyday life and Vedic rituals of the Russians.

During archaeological excavations, the solstice was found on the ruins of buildings, parts of infrastructure, items of clothing and everyday life of the inhabitants of Ancient Rus'. This symbol was on almost every item of the Slavs, who believed that it could bring them luck and prosperity. A special role was given to Kolovrat on the clothes, weapons and banners of warriors. It was believed that he would bring victory, glory to the soldiers and protect them from death. The banner with the solstice terrified enemy tribes, who often fled.

After the Baptism of Rus', which was not without the shedding of blood and the destruction of relics, the Kolovrat, like other ancient Slavic symbols, was banned.

The meaning of the Kolovrat symbol

The meaning of the symbol is the infinity of life and space, the change of seasons, day and night, light and darkness. The rays of the Kolovrat indicate movement and cyclicity. The name of the symbol comes from the combination of two words “kolo” - circle (sun) and “vrat” - rotation. It was believed that only through endless rotation was the continuation of life possible.

Kolovrat also includes 4 elements (fire, water, earth, air) and 4 seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring), which are represented on the symbol by eight rays. However, you can find an image of a symbol with a different number of rays, and each such symbol has its own separate designation:

  • with four rays symbolizes earthly fire, helping people in life;
  • a Kolovrat with six rays, called a thunderstorm, a symbol of worship of the god Perun, a talisman against bad weather and the elements, it was placed on dwellings and temples to protect against lightning strikes and other manifestations of bad weather;
  • The eight-rayed Kolovrat was dedicated to the gods Svarog, Dazhdbog and Khorsu, symbolizing the unity of all things, rebirth, justice, wisdom.

Male and female options

In the image of a symbol, not only the number of rays matters, but also in which direction they are directed. Moving in the direction of the sun (clockwise) means:

  • pure thoughts;
  • protection from dark forces;
  • good deeds;
  • connection with the highest gods;
  • abundance;
  • honesty.

The right-handed symbol has traditionally been masculine. This is exactly the sign that was applied to the warriors’ items.

Kolovrat with rays against the direction of the sun (counterclockwise) was called Ladinets and was a female symbol. Such a left-sided, “mirror” movement meant a connection with Navy - the other world, the development of intuition and prophetic abilities. In addition, such a symbol revealed the feminine principle in a girl, helped in love and married life, facilitated childbirth and protected in difficult times.

Often, spouses wore things with both left-hand and right-hand symbols embroidered on them, which denoted their unity. This combination created a magic circle that protected from any dark forces.

Material selection and manufacturing

The Kolovrat amulet is intended to improve the life of its owner, fill his life with warmth, light, optimism, and protect him from dark forces.

In ancient times, the symbol was most often embroidered on clothing (on the shoulders and chest). Embroidery was carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  • only natural materials (threads and fabric) were used for embroidery, most often they were linen;
  • the embroidery should not have knots on the reverse side;
  • If the thread got tangled during the embroidery process, the embroidered sign was unraveled and the work started over.

The Kolovrat amulet can be made from any material, preferably natural. Even a drawing made by hand or a sketch printed on a printer (image in jpg, png format) will do. But you cannot make an amulet for yourself. You can ask a blood relative to make it or buy it ready-made.

In addition, the material from which the amulet is made also adds its meaning.:

  • gold is a material that is not suitable for everyone; gold Kolovrat is recommended to be worn by insecure, indecisive and reserved people;
  • silver is a universal material for making amulets, suitable for everyone, it protects against evil forces, increases intuition;
  • birch - a material for making women's amulets, helping to reveal feminine qualities, helping to overcome illness, damage and loneliness;
  • oak is a masculine material that greatly enhances the properties of Kolovrat and is suitable for people in dangerous professions.

A metal amulet can be hung on a chain made of the same material. It is best to hang a wooden amulet on a linen cord.

Today, along with amulets, tattoos depicting this symbol have become popular. The meaning of the Kolovrat tattoo is the power of the sun, protection by Slavic gods, vital energy. This tattoo is usually chosen by men, since it is believed that it increases male strength. Naturally, most often such tattoos are found among people who are interested in ancient Slavic culture.

Ritual of purification of the amulet

Before you start wearing the purchased amulet, you need to clear it of accumulated energy.. The metal Kolovrat should be kept in running water for several hours, and then held over the fire 3 times (or over a candle flame).

A wooden or painted amulet can simply be sprinkled with water and then kept in direct sunlight for several hours. The cleansing ritual should be performed several times a year - on the days of the equinox, winter and summer solstice.

If the amulet is cracked, this will indicate that it protected its owner from some kind of misfortune. He has fulfilled his purpose and will no longer be able to protect. You will have to say goodbye to such a talisman, thanking him for his help. You can't just throw away the amulet. The wooden Kolovrat should be burned, the metal one should be buried away from the house. If the amulet is lost, this will also indicate that it has fulfilled its purpose and “left” so as not to cause harm. In this case, there is no need to regret the loss.

After the ceremony, the amulet should be worn for 3 days in a row so that it “gets used” to its owner. In general, it is recommended to wear the Kolovrat amulet often enough for it to work. If it is intended to be removed, then a special place should be reserved for it (for example, a linen bag), in which only it will be stored.

You can wear the Kolovrat amulet with other Slavic amulets, but you should know that being the strongest, it will subjugate all other symbols. As for wearing the solstice with Christian symbols, the possibility of their proximity is completely excluded.

Astrological explanation

Recently, astronomers outlined their meaning of the symbol. It turns out that if you look at the location of the stars in the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor at midnight on the days of the winter and summer solstices, as well as on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, then mentally drawing lines between them and the Polar Star, you can see fragments of the Kolovrat.

And if you combine these fragments, you get this symbol as a whole. This is where the theory arose that the ancient Slavs determined their location by the stars using the Kolovrat. According to another version, the solstice is a model of the Universe.

Of course, it is not known for certain whether the Kolovrat was connected with the position of the stars. But it definitely had great significance for our ancestors. They believed in its power in ancient times, and people who are interested in ancient Slavic culture still believe in it.

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