
How many kcal are in salted mackerel? Mackerel calorie content, beneficial properties

Mackerel is an industrial fish of the mackerel family, a source of health and longevity. The meat of this product is very valuable - it contains all the microelements necessary for the active life of a person of any age. The fish has excellent taste; the calorie content of mackerel is approximately at an average level. The only thing that might be alarming is the high amount of fat, even with an average caloric content of mackerel.

This is a noble breed of fish, and it is very tasty. You can prepare a huge number of dishes from it. It contains many nutrients that have a positive effect on the condition of the human body. Due to the calorie content of mackerel, experts classify this product as a dietary product, since the fillet of this fish has unique beneficial properties. In order to find out the calorie content of mackerel, you need to know its composition. And these are groups of vitamins A, B, C, PP, K and H. In addition, the product also contains micro- and macroelements such as iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and others. Polyunsaturated fatty amino acids called Omega-3 are present in large quantities. They determine the main beneficial properties of this fish.

How many calories are in mackerel?

Despite the fact that mackerel is a fairly fatty fish, per 100 g of this product there are 30 g of fat, the calorie content of mackerel is at an average level. But its calorie content may vary, depending on the period in which the fish was caught, as well as the area where it was caught. Fish caught in northern regions has a lower caloric content than mackerel caught in warmer ocean waters. At the same time, sea fish is a carrier of healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which neutralize the activity of free radicals in the body. The proteins found in this type of fish are very valuable, their amount is 18 g per 100 g of product. They are easily and quickly absorbed by the human body.

The average calorie content of mackerel is from 150 to 200 kcal per 100 grams of product. This figure is not too high. Since the average person, having eaten approximately 700 kcal of fish per day, can easily gain the daily norm of nutrients necessary for the body. But it is unlikely that anyone will want to eat only fish per day, so the amount of its consumption should be moderate.

It is the calorie content of mackerel that makes this product very popular in a healthy diet. Nutritionists advise people who are on a diet to eat more fish than meat, since it contains much more beneficial vitamins, as well as substances that promote weight loss.

How many calories are in mackerel? This question has always interested people who are forced to strictly monitor their figure. But it is not the calorie content of the fish that causes great harm to the figure, but the inability to cook it correctly. Most people are attracted by the extraordinary taste of smoked mackerel, which is quite high in calories. It is preferable to prepare it in other, more healthy ways, for example, baking or boiling. The calorie content of boiled mackerel is on average 124 kcal per 100 g of product.

Number of calories in mackerel casserole

Mackerel is a very tasty fish, it is especially useful if caught in the fall. During this period, the percentage of its fat content reaches 30. It is best to bake or smoke such fish. Fish casserole is very healthy. Mackerel goes well with vegetables. The number of calories in a casserole directly depends not only on the calorie content of the fish, but also on the products used to prepare the dish. If you use a lot of vegetables to prepare a fish casserole, the number of calories in the casserole will increase slightly, but the amount of nutrients will increase.

If you are on a diet, then steamed fish is best for you. This method allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances of the fish, which are necessary for losing weight and maintaining your figure. The calorie content of mackerel prepared in this way is 170 kcal per 100 g of product. Salted mackerel is very tasty, but its calorie content is very high, it reaches 305 kcal per 100 g of product, which is why it is highly not recommended to use it when losing weight.

The calories in a casserole may vary because the ingredients used to make it may also vary. Potatoes, mushrooms, cheese, onions, spices and other ingredients are often used for casseroles. The calorie content of these products is low, sometimes average. But when combined with fish, they become very high in calories. If you are losing weight, then it is better to eat dietary fish casseroles. It is not only delicious, but also good for your health.

What is the calorie content of smoked mackerel?

You can prepare a seafood product in different ways. The most common is to smoke mackerel; this dish is very tasty. But the calorie content of smoked mackerel is high. This type of preparation has its own nuances; if you smoke fish using the cold smoking method, the calorie content of mackerel will be 150 kcal per 100 g, and this is the average calorie content.

Any fish is very useful for people who want to lose extra pounds, since you can prepare a lot of dishes from it. The casserole is especially popular. The number of calories in the casserole is low, which has a positive effect not only on the body, but also on the figure, which is extremely important for women.

It must be remembered that it is not recommended to overuse fish in the diet. No matter how many calories there are in mackerel, consuming it in excess can negatively affect your figure.

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Calorie content of mackerel: 200 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the method of preparation and type

Mackerel is a valuable commercial fish, distinguished by its pleasant taste and tender meat. It is affordable, nutritious and has a number of valuable properties.

Nutritional value of mackerel

The calorie content of fresh mackerel of different types reaches 200 kcal, which is quite a high figure. However, fish is rich in microelements, vitamins, and most importantly, unsaturated fatty acids. About 100 g of product can satisfy half the daily protein requirement. Thanks to the high phosphorus content, the condition of teeth and nails significantly improves.

The share of fat is about 17%, protein – no more than 18%.

The product is recommended for people with different forms of diabetes. The benefits of frequent consumption of this fish are reduced due to the rather high fat content. This figure varies depending on what season it was caught. The spring catch is considered the most nutritious, while in the fall the fat content reaches more than 30% of the total weight of the fish.

Calories in boiled, smoked, baked fish

The method of preparing the product largely determines the calorie content. Fried mackerel is not recommended for people following a healthy diet (220-260 kcal per 100 grams). In addition, it is harmful to eat hot and cold smoked mackerel with a calorie content of 220 to 300 kcal. All these cooking methods significantly increase the fat content of the product.

It is healthy to eat boiled, baked and steamed mackerel (221, 195 and 191 kcal, respectively).

If the fish was salted at home without adding harmful ingredients, sugar and oil, as is done in mass production, then the energy value compared to the fresh product will practically not change - from 150 to 190 kcal.

Mackerel calorie table per 100 grams

You can see what the energy value of a popular product is, and how it changes depending on different methods of heat treatment, using the table we prepared.

Is it possible to use mackerel in diets?

The energy value will increase when adding fatty sour cream, mayonnaise or other sauces. You won’t be able to enjoy the fried product while on a diet – one serving will cost more than 240 kcal. The best option is cooking on a grill or grill pan without oil (178 kcal).

By including the product in question in moderate quantities on the menu, you can replenish the lack of nutrients in the body and recharge your energy for the whole day. With the right cooking method, you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds.

Do you know what beneficial properties mackerel has? Do you know the calorie content of this fish? If not, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the article. Here you will find interesting information about mackerel and recipes for its preparation.

general information

Mackerel is a commercial fish, a member of the mackerel family. Its meat can safely be called a source of health and longevity. It contains important microelements. Fat is the most valuable component that mackerel has. The calorie content of fish is at an average level. It all depends on the way it is processed. When using additional ingredients when preparing mackerel, the calorie content of the dish increases. This should be taken into account by those who are watching their figure.

Important components in mackerel:

  • micro- and macroelements (zinc, magnesium, iron and others);
  • vitamins of groups PP, A, B, H, C and K;
  • polyunsaturated amino acids (omega-3).

What are the benefits of mackerel?

We talked about the rich composition of this fish. Do you know how mackerel is beneficial? Can you name its calorie content? If not, you will find the information you need below.

Mackerel helps increase immunity and improve metabolic processes in the body. This fish has a positive effect on the condition of the entire cardiovascular system. Salted mackerel, which is low in calories, is indicated for diabetics. Not everyone knows about its ability to lower blood glucose levels.

Do your teeth often hurt? Then eat mackerel meat. This Atlantic fish will strengthen not only them, but also nails and bones. And your hair will gain a healthy shine. One of the most favorite foods of pregnant women is salted mackerel. The calorie content of the fish is low, so the chance of gaining weight due to it is minimal.

Now a few words about the main component - fat. It does not harm the body at all, but, on the contrary, brings it a lot of benefits. The fat contained in this fish helps to more effectively fight stretch marks and other skin defects. And all thanks to its ability to create a collagen network and accelerate regeneration processes.

Calorie content of salted mackerel

The stores offer a wide selection of fish. But increasingly, buyers choose mackerel. Russians have access to two types of it - Atlantic and Far Eastern. They often buy fresh fish and then salt it at home. Each housewife has her own recipe.

We offer a simple salting option:

1. Wash the mackerel. We clean the insides. Remove the fins, tail and head.

2. Make the marinade using dry mustard, bay leaf, cloves, salt and a little vegetable oil. Place all these ingredients in a bowl and cook.

3. When the marinade is ready, you need to cool it and pour it over the fish. Place a cup with pressure on top. Mackerel must be stored in a cool place. After a few hours, turn the fish over to the other side. We put pressure on again. After a couple of days, you can start tasting salted mackerel. Calorie content per 100 g is 305 kcal. Slice the fish and serve along with mashed potatoes. We wish you bon appetit!

Smoked mackerel: calorie content

You can cook fish in different ways. Many people prefer to smoke it. The result is a real delicacy, and smoked mackerel looks very appetizing. The calorie content of fish in this form is 221 kcal/100 g. There are various smoking technologies. This has virtually no effect on the calorie content of the product.

In stores you can find fish that was smoked not with smoke, but with chemical substances. Fish carcasses immersed in this “marinade” acquire a pleasant golden hue. This makes the product look appetizing. But unlike fish smoked in the traditional way, such mackerel will not benefit the body. And in some cases it can even cause serious harm.

Mackerel baked in the oven: calories and recipe


How is mackerel cooked in the oven (calorie content 165 kcal/100 g)?

1. Let's start processing the fish. We remove the insides. Separate the fillet from the bones. If the fish is completely defrosted, this will not be easy to do. After all, the carcass will begin to fall apart into pieces. Therefore, we recommend that you do the following: remove the mackerel from the refrigerator and wait until it thaws a little. Then we wash it with water, cut off the tail and head. We remove the insides. We make a cut along the back along the entire carcass. You also need to run the knife along the processes of the spine. Having opened the carcass, we free it from the bones. It is necessary to remove not only the insides, but also the film covering the abdomen.

2. Salt and pepper the prepared fish carcass on both sides. Place on a sheet of foil. Leave it for a while.

3. Make the filling. Peel the onion. Wash the pulp and cut into cubes. Chop the parsley. The lemon needs to be washed and then cut into slices. Thanks to this filling, you get aromatic and appetizing mackerel baked in the oven. The calorie content of the dish exceeds 180 kcal (per 100 g).

4. Let's return to the fish. Place chopped onion and parsley on one half of it, then lemon slices. Sprinkle with herbs and onions again. Cover with the second half of the mackerel. We pack the fish in foil and put it in the oven. Baking time - 40 minutes. This is the case if the carcass is of medium size. If you want to bake large fish. then the cooking time in the oven will increase to 1 hour. Any holiday table will be decorated with baked mackerel. The calorie content of the dish is 165 kcal/100 g. But it will increase if you serve the fish along with a side dish (baked potatoes, vegetable stew or boiled rice).

How to choose mackerel

We go to the nearest supermarket or fish store. In order not to run into “rotten meat” and not waste time, you need to know how to choose a product. In this matter, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • Fish eyes. If they are bright, moist and slightly bulging, then you have fresh mackerel. Its calorie content in this state reaches 170-200 kcal/100 g. After processing (salting, smoking, etc.) it will increase, but not significantly.
  • Gills. In good fish, recently caught, they are clean, without any mucus. The gills should also have a pinkish or reddish tint.
  • Smell. If a fish gives off a disgusting odor, then it is better to immediately avoid such a product.
  • Surface. Fresh mackerel has elastic and shiny scales. A dry and dull surface of the fish's skin indicates an expired product.

Rules for storing mackerel

Processing and cooking the fish is only half the battle. You also need to know how to store it correctly. We will tell you about this now.

Fresh mackerel with entrails can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, and when peeled, it can be stored for 2-3 days. It can be kept in the freezer for up to 3 months. Another option for storing fresh mackerel is in crushed ice. Duration - 10-11 days. Ice needs to be changed periodically.

A hot smoked carcass can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, in vacuum packaging for 2 days, and in the freezer for 3 weeks. The shelf life of cold-smoked fish in the freezer is 1 month, in other compartments of the refrigerator - 2 weeks, and in a vacuum - 3 months.

Salted mackerel (without brine) can be placed in a plastic bag for 5 days. If the fish is prepared using the dry salting method, it should be stored in the refrigerator (up to 1 month).

Mackerel is a member of the mackerel family. This is a heat-loving, schooling fish that can reach a length of up to 60 centimeters. Mackerel has an elongated body that is covered with small scales.

As a rule, mackerel gather in schools, and there are no fish of other species in schools. The optimal temperature for fish is from 8 to 20 degrees. During winter, the fish goes to a depth of up to 250 meters, where it leads a sedentary lifestyle, and in the spring it moves closer to the shores. The average lifespan of mackerel reaches 15-18 years.

Delicious mackerel dishes are often found on Russian tables. Both adults and children love her. But what is the nutritional value of mackerel and how high-calorie this fish is, you can find out from this article. And also below will be presented several delicious recipes for preparing this fish.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of mackerel contains a huge amount of substances vital for the human body. The benefits of this fish are ensured by the fact that it contains the following elements:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • nickel;
  • molybdenum;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • manganese.

It is important to note that by consuming just 100 grams of this fish during the day, you can ensure that your body is full:

  • selenium - 93.8% of the daily value;
  • phosphorus - by 39.7% of the daily norm;
  • vitamin B12 - 791.7% of the daily requirement.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of mackerel is:

  • 18 grams of protein;
  • 13.2 grams fat;
  • 0 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 67.5 grams of water.

Benefits of mackerel

This fish is enriched with Omega-3 acid, which can improve immunity and improve metabolism. Therefore, mackerel should be a mandatory product in the diet of children, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, pregnant and lactating girls.

The protein contained in mackerel is absorbed three times faster than, for example, beef. It is also important that just 100 grams of mackerel contains half of the daily requirement for the average person.

When consuming mackerel, the level of oxygen in the cells increases, due to which all internal organs are enriched with it, and the fish also helps to launch regeneration processes in the mucous membranes and skin.

Fish oil allows you to dilate the blood vessels of the heart muscle, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. With regular use, bones and teeth are strengthened and immunity is increased.

All the substances found in fish help ensure the normal functioning of cells, overcome harmful bacteria and establish the water-salt balance in the body. It is important that this fish does not need to be consumed in large quantities; you just need to introduce several servings of stewed or boiled mackerel into your weekly diet, and the benefits for the body will be noticeable after a few weeks.

Calorie content of fish

During the cooking process, the calorie content of the product depends on the type of heat treatment. The table below will show in detail what the calorie content of mackerel will be per 100 grams in boiled, fried, stewed and other types of preparation.

Cooking method

Calorie content per 100 g (kcal)

Carbohydrates (g)

Baked mackerel (no oil)

Baked mackerel in foil with tomatoes (no oil)

Fried mackerel (in oil)


Stewed mackerel in sour cream with onions and carrots

Cold smoked mackerel

Hot smoked mackerel

Boiled mackerel

Lightly salted mackerel

Dried mackerel

Grilled mackerel

Marinated mackerel

Once you know the calorie content of mackerel per 100 grams, you can easily understand in what form this fish is most nutritious. From the presented data it is clear that hot smoked mackerel will have the most calories. But from eating this fish in stewed or pickled form, the body will receive fewer calories.

Having understood what nutritional value mackerel provides the body and what health benefits it can bring, you can begin to consider the simplest and most delicious recipes.

Fried mackerel in vegetable oil: a simple recipe

First you need to prepare the fish. Fresh mackerel should be cleaned and washed in water.

Next, the fish is cut into equal pieces and breaded in flour with the addition of a small amount of salt. Pour a little vegetable oil into a heated frying pan (you can use either sunflower or olive oil). Next, the fish is placed in a frying pan and fried on both sides. You can serve fried mackerel with any favorite side dish.

Stewed mackerel in sour cream: recipe

Using this oven-baked recipe, quickly and deliciously prepared, you can feed your household. At the same time, this dish will not only help saturate the body and satisfy hunger, but will also bring benefits.

First you need to prepare the ingredients, namely:

  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream (15% fat) - 100 g;
  • herbs, salt, vegetable oil, spices - to taste.

The mackerel is cleaned and cut into small pieces. Vegetables should also be peeled, washed thoroughly under water and cut. Next, you need to lay out the ingredients in layers in a fireproof form, greased with vegetable oil:

  • 1st layer - potatoes;
  • 2nd layer - fish;
  • 3rd layer - onions and carrots;
  • 4th layer - tomatoes;
  • 5th layer - greens.

Each layer needs a little salt. Then add sour cream to the pan and place it in the oven for 30 minutes. Cooking mackerel in the oven is quick and tasty. The dish can be served without additional side dish.

Cooking mackerel in a slow cooker: recipe

Having a multicooker makes preparing any dish much easier. In the case of this fish, you should first pour a little water into the bottom of the bowl. Next, you need to clean the fish, cut it and salt it. Cover a special container for steaming with food foil and place the mackerel in it. Next, put a little onion, cut into half rings, and a few slices of lemon on top of the fish.

Cook the fish in the “Steam” mode for 25-30 minutes. This fish will be useful for both children and adults.

Harm to mackerel

For a healthy body, this fish cannot cause any harm. However, it should be remembered that if you have diseases such as kidney failure, hypertension, pancreatitis or cholecystitis, mackerel should not be consumed salted or smoked.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to exclude this fish from your diet. In some cases, it is permissible to consume mackerel only in boiled form. However, it is worth remembering that high fat content can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you should discuss with your doctor the inclusion of this product in your diet.


Having considered the nutritional value of mackerel, its benefits for the body and calorie content, we can conclude that this fish is unique and irreplaceable for humans. Its use can have a positive effect on health, strengthen the immune system and vital systems.

Knowing what to cook from mackerel, you can delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious and very healthy dishes. Anyone can use the above recipes and easily bring them to life.

Fish is one of the healthiest foods. The most valuable are fatty types of fish. Many people associate this definition with salmon. However, there are also more affordable, but no less useful in composition, specimens. The leading position is occupied by mackerel. 100 grams of this fish contains ½ the daily protein requirement.

Useful properties of mackerel

The most useful element in mackerel is Omega-3, unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to them, this fish:

  • prevents development cardiovascular diseases;
  • eliminates cholesterol, prevents the formation of so-called “plaques”;
  • strengthens the immune system, restores strength after illness, improves metabolism;
  • improves blood circulation, brain function and memory;
  • has an analgesic effect: saves from discomfort due to arthrosis, arthritis and migraines;
  • reduces the risk of cancer - especially breast cancer;
  • improves skin condition, helps maintain youth and beauty.

In addition, mackerel:

  • thanks to its magnesium content, it protects against asthma;
  • regulates hormone levels, strengthens the reproductive system. Along with seafood, it is considered an aphrodisiac;
  • reduces blood sugar levels, therefore recommended for diabetes;
  • Due to phosphorus, it strengthens nails, teeth and bones.


Mackerel is prohibited from consumption:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • for kidney and liver diseases;
  • for problems with the gastrointestinal tract (smoked or salted fish)

Calorie content of mackerel

Calorie content of fresh mackerel is approximately 190 kcal. However, in its finished form, its energy value can range from 130 to 310 kcal.

The healthiest dish is boiled mackerel. After cooking in plenty of water, only 130 kcal remains. A healthy diet menu should also include fish, steamed, or baked in foil, a sleeve, or simply on a baking sheet. A dish marinated in sour cream or other sauce will have a higher calorie content. If you add only salt, spices and herbs to the fish, then the energy value of the dish will not be too high.

Enjoy fried fish will cost you over 500 calories per serving. All this is due to breading and vegetable oil. Do you want to get an equally tasty dish?

  1. Firstly, avoid egg-flour and other types of breading.
  2. Secondly, use a grill grate or a Teflon-coated frying pan. Both of these devices will allow you to cook without oil.

Smoked fish also attractive due to its tart taste. Its calorie content varies from 150 to 230 kcal depending on the type of smoking. However, the main harm that this product can cause to your body is the reagents and chemicals in which this fish is often soaked. Not only does it lose its beneficial qualities after such processing, substances also enter your body, which are then difficult to remove from it.

The calorie content of salted mackerel corresponds to the energy value of fresh fish.

However, if only water, salt and spices are used for salting. Often, manufacturers add sugar and butter, due to which this dish does not have the best effect on health and figure. Still want to try this savory delicacy? Then salt the fish yourself: wash and clean it, stuff it with spices and place it in a concentrated salt solution for three days.